Monday, July 27, 2009

Get a life!

Well I got my application all ready to fax off and pay my $58.00 to BUSINESS PRACTICES & CONSUMER PROTECTION AUTHORITY..
Just so ya know...who ever the hell ya are that reported me and came taking pictures of my place... You were seen, and I do know who you are. My life is an open book and you read it, and you know who you are... So do I ...Ha!
Is there anything else that you know that I should take care of.. Also to you that are so concerned... I donate more DVDS than I sell. I will probably not make the $58.00 that it cost me by the end of the year. But...I will have a legal licence to sell what ever DVDS I want. I feel damn proud every time I give one away knowing it will help someone. By the way...It's been over a year now, so just leave me alone now please!! Enjoy reading my blog I hope you learn something. I also wish you would go for a ride every time you feel like stirring the pot, you need a life.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo, Bravo and a standing OVATION for ya girl! I agree 100% with you. Don't let the losers get ya down!!
