Monday, March 15, 2010

Kind words from a friend

Hi Flo~ sending warmest thoughts to ya... I know how pissy things can feel when someone is making trouble/drama & being unfair. Food for thought: (from "Live Your Dream" FB page)
To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation...and when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." ~ Paulo Coelho

Seems this current situation is "the universe conspiring to help you achieve your destiny"... If at first you don't follow your heart's voice, then the reminders or "knocking on your door" gets louder and LOUDER until you answer the damn thing!!! LOL... and open new doors of opportunity (instructor training??)~ courage is the key!!! AND~ you have an army of lovin' people standing behind you & supporting you!!!!

2 words for the other person creating drama... COMPASSION (she must be very insecure & low on self esteem to make trouble like this) and... FORGIVENESS (for you just as much as her, don't waste your bright energy on someone trying to drag you down) Maybe this is a "life lesson" in progress for her too??

Huge courage huggggssss to you & good luck with everything!!! Shelley :))

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