Thursday, March 4, 2010

Working with a new rider

Look at this boy, I think he is almost 7ft tall! He just got his learners the day before this picture was taken. He came by the barbershop with his girlfriend who has been riding for years on his new bike. They encouraged me to go for a ride, so being it was a beautiful sunny day, and another friend of mine who rides a Spyder, showed up, we went and got my bike. We were just going to go for a ride out of town, until I asked him how he was feeling on his bike. Of course there had to be some nerves, he only just been riding a couple times. He taught himself how to handle the bike. 
To me as a friend, it was my duty to share the most 3 important techniques known to man  of riding. We went for a little burn, and then I saw the big empty lot and took him in there. I went over the head and eyes, which he couldn't believe.. In the end of less than half an hour he was feeling more confident. Also about pushing right to go right. There was a couple corners I saw in the rear view, that when he took the lean he was so leaning with the bike instead of sitting  up straight and leaning the bike. He has no problem with the friction zone, he has got it. Well at least for now. 
We buzzed around town a bit, going over the rules of the road and how to ride with a group. Again we ended up in the parking lot. He asked me to take his Kawasaki into the exercises to see  how it handled. I had it scraping in no time flat, great bike. 
Great afternoon, and I just can't wait to get into the parking lot on a more regular basis with out tons of gear, so it's easier to move around.
Actually had a stranger come into my shop today to purchase a RLAP DVD, and asked if I would be able to work with him after he watched it a couple times.But of course I told him, if you have the desire, and ride by my barbershop, stop by and lets do it.. I told him I needed to clean the parking lot and he offered to help.
I also met another Island rider and his wife today. They had stopped in to talk RLAP as they had just purchased the book and the DVD. Looks like I might have some regulars to play with. This is good stuff. He confessed to me  that he has been riding for years, but has never been good at riding slow, and very sloppy stops. I told him how much more confident he would be after watching the DVD and actually practicing it.

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