Friday, April 8, 2011

Northwest Motorcycle School with Biird

Northwest Motorcycle School

Here I am 2 years later, living in Grand Forks, B.C. I just returned from 3 months in Mexico on the 4th. Now I am heading to Renton, Washington again, to take the Ride Like a Cop course again. I haven’t had much parking lot practice in the last couple of years, so I am nervous about taking it again. I know I can do it, it is only 3 techniques, I know them, I just have to use them to the fullest extent ever.
The cool thing about this time around is I am taking it with my good friend Karen Allen, whom I had met on Conga 2. She took the course last year and passed it, when she had only been riding a year. Now that is a whole story in itself. I know how hard this course can be even if you have had parking lot experience before. It’s more about having faith in yourself, that you do it right. Take control, be the boss of your Hoss as the Motorman would say, don’t let the bike boss you.
Some people would say, why you have to take it again, you have taken so many courses already. My response is…even the Pros practice. If you don’t use it you loose it. I don’t want to loose it, especially when you are riding an 850lb bike; you want to be the boss. It is also a hobby of mine being in complete control of my machine.
So back to why it is so special this time. I will refer to Karen as Biird, or Biirdie. We only live 4 hours away from each other now, that I have moved off the Island.  When I met Biird on line through my blog, she said to me…Flo, before I found you all I could think about was dying, now all I think about is living…to ride that is. Wow…in a long story short, Biird had been diagnose with terminal lymphoma and didn’t know how long she had. Two years have gone by and last year after taking this course, she led the pack of pink ladies to Cheyenne, Wyoming from Wenatchee. How frickin cool is that??? She is now in 100% remission. So, she emails me this year while I am down in Mexico, that she is taking this course again, could I join her. Financially it was not possible in my eyes, but how could I not. Especially with her, and know how much I enjoy it too.  So I caved in and made it happen, I am sitting in the truck now, heading to Renton.
I am so happy to be doing this with her, and apparently there are 3 other women doing the course to. Last time I was the only woman, this time, I think there is one man.. Poor guy, lol!!
It is this Saturday and Sunday for 10 hours each day and the same the following weekend. Stay tuned for pics, clips, laughing and possibly a little crying
Okay just had sushi with the  Biird, going over our last 2 year friendship and how far we come and how excited we are about tomorrow..Totally one hundred percent stoked!!!


  1. woot!!!! Beautiful story. Enjoy ladies!

  2. You go girls! I will with ya in spirit this year! Safe riding!

    Cheers Anne

  3. Love the blog Flo, have the BEST time ever! Woot woot you and Biird go girls go!

  4. Hey have fun with that Flo, You can do it !!I love the practice .

  5. Yeah, you rock!!
