Friday, July 31, 2009

Some of my proudest moments.

How proud I am to have gotten this far with Ride Like a Pro. If I was to never get any farther, I will never forget the time I spent with the Pros learning.

Hopefully I have it in me what it takes mentally, financially and time wise to complete the things I have to do before I continue on with a Ride Like a Pro Franchise.

I got my licence to sell DVDS

Okay I got certificates in order for selling the Ride Like a Pro DVD and any other kind I wish to sell. All I need is the popcorn now, but I do have a microwave so that could work.
I am thinking this is a good little out let to sell DVDS as it is right in a hotel. I am thinking I have some more research to do.
Just up my alley really, I like having a few irons in the fire.
I have sold quite a few good used leathers in here lately also. Picture it barbershop, with second hand stuff to sell be it leathers or DVDS. I think I am going garage sailing to buy up all the good used DVDs.
That is my thought for the day, since my licence arrived

On my agenda this weekend is to take another advanced riding course given by our local retired Motorcop. I am pretty excited about that, having someone to work with. I am hoping it is something different that what I already practice , but whatever, it will be another one under my belt.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Things to look for:

More words from the Motorman
How to spot someone who needs help.
1. A rider that drags their feet whenever speed drops below 15mph
2. Turning wide from a stop, in other words, going towards the yellow line or oncoming vehicles
3. Duck-walking the bike through a U-turn.
4. almost dropping the bike when coming to a stop.
5. A ridier who tries not to lean the bike on a winding road and runs wide of the curve.
6.Skidding the rear tire during a quick stop.
If you or a friend are doing one of these things above and want some help, please come and play with me in the parking lot in Campbell River. At least purchase on the RLAP DVD'S.. I always have one in my saddle bag, or if you wish contact the pros tell them Flo sent ya!

Unskilled Riders-Important words from Motorman

These are words from Jerry Motorman Palladino out of his book.
Withe the Cruiser riders, it seems the guy with the ost chrome and the fanciest paint job gets the most respect. I have given a lot of thought as to why so many Cruiser riders are lacking the even basice skills.
Oe of th ereasons has to be the re-entry ridier. That's the person whose had a motorcycle twenty five or thirty years ago and probably had ridden it less than ten thousand miles and managed to avoid getting killed. Thus, these people believe they know how to ride and thereore, they don't need to take any training courses or sharpen their skills. Consequently, the biggest increase in motorcycle fatalities the past few yers has been riders on cruisers between the ages of 40 to 55. Un fortunately, too many of these ridiers believe the ride just fine simply because they're able to get on their bike and cruise straight on down the road and make a great big wide urn every onece in a while. This philosophy works just fine until s omething gets in their way. With no knowledgeof how to stop the bike quickly or swerve aroudn the left turn vehicle the untraide rider crashes. It's that simple.

More ramblngs

Day 4 of I DON'T SMOKE NO MORE!! I have also dropped 5lbs and it is not from riding around in circles in the parking lot either. It is scorching hot. I am always trying to plan a ride that is along the water or in through some trees to cool down a little.
I finally had a great day at work and then some friends came by and we tootled off to Sayward for dinner. Just as we were leaving me and Miss Vgirl did our little show in the parking lot that was calling out our name and actually so did her hubby Mark. Our birthday boy Bob stood back and grinned at us, as I had just sold him a dvd and gave him a good price for his birthday and told him as long as he would keep his feet up!! See ya in the parking lot Bob!!
It is funny, some may think I am doing all this too show off, and I will admit it is fun to show off once in awhile, but these slow maneuvers are needed. If a person was in 100% control of their bike lets say on the side of the highway needing to pull over for what ever reason. There would be no issues.
So many times with big groups of people I see people dragging their feet, duck walking, actually trying to walk their bike in stead of using the friction zone. To me that simple means they don't know how to control the friction zone.
I'm sure I drive people crazy and I try to keep my shut most of the time, but it is a safety issue, it is not about looking cool.
Do you think that some people actually think it looks cool to duck walk or drag their feet. I just visualise them loosing control and the bike falling over and the leg snapping.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


The weather is really hot these days and defiinetly too hot to spend too much time in the parking lot.
I am not in a very good mood these days unless I am around alot of people or riding along ways or keeping busy. Things have been very very frustrating at work, with working for minimum wage again. It's almost noon and I haved done 3 $9.00 haircuts for gads sake..grrrrr an I paid for my so called VIDEO licence appication for those that care...this morning
Now I have decided to quit smoking, loose some weight and excercise. I have been walking for going on the 3rd week, but this day 2 of not smoking.. I am having a rough time of it but lots of support from friends all over the world. I have to say, if I had not announced it.. I would be having one RIGHT NOW!!!


These pictures were taken at long beach. What a site to behold when 50 bikers in all their gear came down to the beach. I have to say we turned a few heads alright!
It was a great weekend. We all went to Port Alberni for the CMC Rally. Boy I tell ya they sure did an incredible job of organizing the weekend. We had folk from Winnipeg, Prince George,Grand Prairie and all over the Island. Some people you had only talked to on facebook or the forums, so it was really nice to put a face to so many. It didn't talk long and once again we have made new friends from far and near.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Get a life!

Well I got my application all ready to fax off and pay my $58.00 to BUSINESS PRACTICES & CONSUMER PROTECTION AUTHORITY..
Just so ya know...who ever the hell ya are that reported me and came taking pictures of my place... You were seen, and I do know who you are. My life is an open book and you read it, and you know who you are... So do I ...Ha!
Is there anything else that you know that I should take care of.. Also to you that are so concerned... I donate more DVDS than I sell. I will probably not make the $58.00 that it cost me by the end of the year. But...I will have a legal licence to sell what ever DVDS I want. I feel damn proud every time I give one away knowing it will help someone. By the way...It's been over a year now, so just leave me alone now please!! Enjoy reading my blog I hope you learn something. I also wish you would go for a ride every time you feel like stirring the pot, you need a life.

Friday, July 24, 2009


I just talked to the gals at BPCPA..Sheeees, hard to remember all those letter let alone what they stand for. I am sure I will know lots about it soon. I don't do so well on filling out forms. I seem to do well at throwing money away though. My God.. I don't think this is going to come out well after all. I am proceeding with the licence. But the bad thing is now they are going to RLAP and see what they can stur up. By the sounds of it.
I was told by the hotel owner that a lady about 10 years older than me and not much taller with gray hair came to take pictures of my shop a couple weeks ago. I am assuming they were taking pics of the 20 DVDS on my shelf. I have a very good idea who this person is, and it blows me away that this kind of crap is still going on. Unbelievable it is! Because there is a slim chance that I could make a living at it they are worried. Some people just need to get a life, or shut up and ride... Like a Pro I might add!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Business Practices & Consumer Protection Authority


I received an official letter today....
It is to our understanding that you may be providing videos for rent, sale or trade. To discuss the requirement for you to be licensed as a video retailer, please contact us by July 29/09
Well it only took two months before someone reported me for something with this RLAP Franchise in the makings. Not like I wasn't expecting something any time, as I know people are watching me. Some are watching because they care and want me to succeed, and others, to see if I make the slightest error in anything that I do. Even selling DVDS!! Omg... do I need a separate licence to sell RLAP tshirts and ball caps too?? Some people need to get a life really!! Like I am a threat to anyone. Good Lord, the DVDS help save the lives of many people in the motorcycle world all over the world and there is someone out there so concerned about trying to destroy any that I try and set my mind to. WorrieD that I may make a buck rather than thankful I might help save a life.
At first I just start to shake an get mad, and I am mad. More like hurt honestly. It is like you never really know who your friends are. I try talking myself out of stuff, but my mind starts to play head games. Sometimes I just want to give up...and then it makes me say.........OK.. watch me.. keep reporting me, and that way you can do all the foot work to find out if I am legal at this and that. Maybe I should put the word out that I am teaching, just so someone else who is so concerned can figure it out for me.
This takes me back a few years ago, when I was struggling to make ends meet in a little community on the north end of the Island.. Population 200. I would take on all the little jobs that came available, no matter what it was, from driving garbage truck, to cleaning houses, cutting grass, slingin beer, lunch monitor at school, selling second hand stuff.. Anyway I need a van for all this as I was driving in and out every single weekend garage sailing. Going to the auction and bringing it in to sell. lol what a life.
So I started to think I could do pick ups for people bring shit into town, what ever! Wow it started to work and the local TAXI guy came to me and said. "Tannis' Van Can"...What can Tannis's Van Can do??? I said, well hello there Dan, an I listed all the things it can do like carry my tools to pick weeds in the garden I was at..Dan, my man (thinking evil thoughts) which one of these things can I do for you???
He can RIPP that sign off your f'n van, as you can NOT do what you are doing??? I asked him if he was sure, and he you bet!!! Handed me some stupid letter his wife drew up to make it sound legal, an I told him, I would be sure to look into it.
Ha... My van go so dang busy picking up his deliveries we never spoke but I would always wave...I put a full page add in the local 4 page paper which everyone read even on line, an it said...............TANNIS'S VAN CAN AND WILL!!!!!
Hey that just popped into my head, was a great memory... I will keep on keeping on, got to run now and go buy a licence for selling DVDS..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Me and the Queen

Just got back from the parking lot. I went to the old one. The one where they kicked me out at the mall. They told me awhile back that after hours it will be okay to use it. It is a tad closer to home and more open. Anyway, just me and the Queen.
I stopped by the dollar store to buy some more cones as I want to start making the excercises more difficult. You know look at a cone hit a cone thing.. Well when the cones are not there, there is nothing to hit, and you can cheat. I hate getting off my bike to pick them up either so I better do it right. Besides, when I show the Motorman, I want him to finally good job Flo! Well guess what, I did an awesome job, did not hit a cone, and there was no one to film me. I did all the excercises about 3 times and that was good.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Parking lot with Vgirl

I had a great time in the parking lot today after work. Just me and Vgirl. We both needed it. Like the Motorman says...They are perishable skills if you don't use them. I have worked way to hard for them to perish, but I so know what he means. Alot of talking goes on to each other to reminding ourselves of what we need to do. Reassuring each other that it is not test. No one is going to fail us. When I miss, I feel the frustration. It is great having Vgirl with me as she is the first person that ever joined me in the parking lot. Now she is on a bigger bike the Valkyrie and needs some work again. It means alot to the both of us and we are very supportive of each other. We are starting from scratch at the beginning of the first exercise before we move on to the next.

This is Miss Vgirl on her Valkyrie

Of course me on my Queen

Monday, July 20, 2009

What am doing?

I don't know why but this accident with Vera has really affected me. I only knew her a short time and I have been thinking about her all day. It must have been our last conversation, because it was about helping her. It is like, if I could have just got her to the parking lot sooner maybe this wouldn't have happened.
I also am worried about another rider that seems extremely petrified of her bike. She looks so scared every time she pulls into a parking lot and pulls way out of the way and sits and stares and wonders what she should do next. I took her aside and told her what I was seeing. It was only out of total concern and wanting to help. I'm worried something bad is going to happen and she has been riding for a while. It just doesn't seem to get any better and actually worse. I told her I was not trying to criticise but help and how did she feel. She confessed it was so right, everything I had just said. She was thinking of giving up riding, if things did not change. I offered her to come to the parking lot when ever she can so I could work with her. I hope she goes through with it.
Maybe that is why I learned all this stuff, not to be an instructor but a helpful friend. So many things are going through my mind constantly about RLAP, the franchise, how, when ,where, why, what??
I dont know if I have it in me, the who what where when and why to git er done?? The mental and the money. Time.. I have way too much of, sitting in the barbershop, working on stuff, not cuttin hair. Reading RLAP, watching RLAP, I seem to be confident enough to teach it for free but to actually get paid...hmmm, how odd, different story,What a concept.
Anyways, I am rambling, like I do..but there is so much to think about and do. Do I have it in me.. I wish my man were home to tell me what he thought.. Hey now there is a challenge... Will he or won't he let me teach him to RLAP??


I got together with a gal I met on our road trip last year. Straycat I called her as we picked up a lost stray cat on the highway. A new rider that didn't know where she was going, but was looking for the highway to the coast is all she new. Long story short we took her in. This weekend she meets us on our ride for lunch at the Fanny Bay Inn. She was supporting a new ride. A beautiful purple softail Deluxe.
She told me she had watched the DVD that she bought last year and practiced but needs more. People were telling her the bike was too big for her. She fit it perfectly. Her feet even planted flat for being short and tiny. I offered that she come spend the night for old times sake and after the ride we could go play in the parking lot. Wow, those u-turns taking up the whole parking lot for sure. By the time we got finished she was SNAPPIN HER HEAD, and looking where she wanted to go.
I actually got some practice in myself a little. This week, it will be all about Flo practicing.

Fallen sister.

It was another wonderful weekend in the riding community as far as friends and weather go.
The sad news is we lost a new friend and sister on the Island. That is Vera on the right
We rode with her last weekend to Woss. I remember our conversations vividly. She had only taken up riding again recently and told me she new she needed some work on her skills. Of course I stepped in and told her if she bought a DVD's watched it...I would then show her how to use it.
I took her aside at one point when I see her almost drop her bike in the gas station with her bars turned using the front brake. She was so thankful that I told her never to use the front brake when the bars were turned. She then said, now that explains why I dropped my bike yesterday. She was to come to the parking lot soon with her friend, now unfortunately it is too late.
We are planning a ride for Vera, she will be sadly missed. Please be careful everyone. If you haven't invested in the RLAP DVD, its time!! This is the second horrid accident this week in our community. Practising those skills is so important!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sold a DVD today.

I sold a dvd today, Surviving the mean streets. The guy says he doesn't need the RLAP V as he has been riding for 20 years. I feel the smirk coming on, and I have to be careful how I handle things. Being a woman and all and only riding for 4 years, I don't really know all that much ;)
Very nice guy and I told him as I smurked that as soon as I hear someone say that, I pretty much am sure he probably needs it. Old habits to break and all. I could feel, that I was allowed to talk more if I handled the situation right , so I continued on...
I told him I had a parking lot all set up in town, and am always looking for people to practice with, not to mention help anyone improve, that has the desire. I could tell he was interested and invited him to meet me here one day after work and we could go through the excercises with me. If he figured he had room for improvement, then he should buy all the DVD's and I would gladly give a one on one demonstration on how to use the techniques. Then he could come practise when ever he wanted.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

On the positive side!

Forgot to mention I had the pleasure of spending time in the parking lot withour local retired motorcop Dave Hay. What an honor that he would do that for me.
He knows that I have my goals set to improve on a couple exercises and eventually one day become an instructor here for RLAP. There is no room for errors.
He told me I was doing fantastic and could probably outride 90% of the guys going into take the police officers course and that is it brutal.
Being that he does just that, I will get the opportunity to do it with Dave. He is going to set the Motor officers course up for me and practise. I accomplished the 180 left hand turn a couple times and the 12ft off set, although that one is so very difficult for me.
I am going to watch the dvd 47 times over to get it.What he also said for all that I need, I will never be teaching that part anyway but knowing how to do it does say, I know what I am doing. Dave hung around and helped me with a couple girlfriends in the lot that came by to learn a little. Like that dang ol friction zone. They don't calll me Friction Zone Flo for nothing, that I struggled for along time, and still do at times.
I have signed up to take Dave's advanced course Aug 2. I really look forward to it, and if I could I would go to the one in Seattle, which is 5 days 8 hours a day. Trouble is I would not only have to pay for the course, loose a weeks work, and pay for accomodations.. Hmmm, very tempting to say the least!

Note to ones self.

Note to oneself, do not go practising in the parking lot with an attitude. A bad attitude. Go with a positive attitude. I went last night and sucked. Life is going all that great right now, and I am letting it get to me. I figured I would go do my favorite thing. It all of a sudden turned into my most unfavorite thing, and I was mad at myself. Wondering to myself will I ever get it, keep it, and be able to teach it. I am so not ready.
Work sucks right now, so I am taking the time to study RLAP. Oviously still got some work to do. I gave away 20 free haircuts to the Campbell River storm hockey team and 6 dvd's for some advertizing. They were good with the barter system. I just can not believe what has happened to my business with being away 6 months. Anyways trying to keep a stiff upper lip and keep on keeping on.
I think I am just taking the week off of even trying to RLAP till my attitude smartens up. I will just watch the DVD a dozen times more and go slay the wench.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Shawn Slow Cone

I had a very short time with my nephew in the parking lot. He only came up Island to spend one night, and I had a dinner to go too. This is Shawn whom I taught to ride last year on my little Stinky Pinkie Honda 400. Pink, I might add. He graduated really fast to his VTX 1800. He hasn't had time to do any parking lot practise do to whatever. Anyhow, I put him right on to the slow cone, at 16ft, 10 minutes later 14, and here he is doing 12. Notice the pink pool noodles wrapped around his highway bars. They work great as last minute protection, and I just happened to have some laying around. He didn't need them thank goodness. Gotta love him for letting his Aunt embarrass him again.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Can YOu??

Can you clear your mind of the distracting thoughts and focus completely on the task at hand? Yes, you can when you choose to do so.
Do you have the discipline required to keep yourself steadily moving toward the goals you've set. Of course, you always have just as much discipline as you wish to exercise.
Can you muster the commitment, persistence and strength necessary to see your endeavors through to completion? When your work resonates with your most authentic purpose, yes you can.
Are you ready to do what it takes to make your dreams a reality? For when you are truly ready, you most certainly can.
At any age, in any condition, whatever the circumstance, you can. You can bring to life the highest vision and purpose that is within you.
Yes, you know that you can. And this is the day to begin.
-- Ralph Marston

15 minutes in the parking lot.

The sun is shining again. It is wonderful! When you can go out the door at 8am and not need your winter clothing, you know it is going to be a good day. My Buddie Vgirl and I decided it was time to get some exercises, and we were going to meet at the barbershop, park the bikes and walk for an hour. I remembered saying the house, I know now it was the shop. Anyway, it did not happen this morning. I waited and waited, she waited and waited, and then at 8:30 I went to the mall, where we first met and used to RLAP. This year the plans have changed, as we are allowed to play in the parking lot as long as the store isn't open. This is a good thing as it is closer that the condemned school where we usually practice.
I get there and of course it is completely empty other than one vehicle. I remember MM saying you could keep up your skills at 15 minutes a week even. I had 15 minutes. Off I went scoping out the lot pretending there was a big audience. Stay in the zone Flo, you know that friction thang. I did it..perfect, did it again, all of the exercises, the one car gave me a thumbs up.. crikey there was 200 people crammed into that car. It was a great audience, I bowed and away I went.
After spending all week in my spare time, watching RLAP V, RLAP, DRAGON, RLAP LADIES,. I was hearing it, and seeing it.. I realized what I needed to do for me, to make the exercises harder.. Cones.. the dreaded cones. Don't hit a cone, its a drop off!! A cliff!! I am so looking forward to doing the cones, even for the figure eight and circle, with that little entry way. If Doc can do it, so can I.. I can just bet you, it is not going to be as easy as that!! Cones it is!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

2 Years ago

I was just on Women Who Ride Forum today and been informed that is is my 2 year anniversary with the Forum.. not today but tomorrow July 10th.. Pretty cool when I think about it. A heck of a lot has happened since then. If you haven't been to that forum and you are a woman, heck even a man, you are missing out on alot!! Since meeting everyone there, and especially the Palladinos I have ridden across the country TWICE! Learned how to Ride Like a Pro...I know MM..I know, I have a way to go.. but I am getting there.
I have met some amazing people, seen some amazing roads, and have been trained by the best. I have became best of buddies with Donna herself, and I think MM even loves me ;)
I am Canada's first Franchise of Ride Like a Pro. Although I am just doing the DVD'S at the moment, the time will come when I can spread my wings. I feel honored to have the skills to show my friends right now and to help them become better riders.
I spend all my spare time in my barbershop reading RLAP, discussing it, and watching the DVD'S. I want to know them inside out. My God, sometimes, I even sound like him.
I have signed up to take an advanced course here with Dave Hay a retired motorcop here on the Island. I am hoping he will work with me like a drill team.. Till I got it!! All of it!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Rain Rain go away

It's been raining for a couple of days. It feels like a couple of weeks. I have no riding in except to and from work. I even opted to take the truck this morning as it was coming down good. Dead! So off to work in the rain. Note to oneself, wear chaps in the rain, so you don't have to work wet!!
I've decided today I am going to take an advanced course with Robocop! Even the Pros practise, and I am not quite a pro yet.. I will get there!! Hopefully he will be hard on me, I am used to that kind of training.

Words from the Motorman

When the going gets tough, the pro's ride like a pro. They don't get nervous cause there's people in a parking lot, pro's can do it in their sleep. Professionals never turn into amatuers, amatuers are supposed to turn into professionals when they actually know the techniques and use them.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Mount Washington.

That is our ski hill.

Today was a gorgeous day again. We all got together at Serious Coffee, for a serious ride, up to Mount Washington. I was tailgunner, yup, lil ol me.. It wasn't even
I first made a quick stop to see Poncho at his meeting place with SCRC and then off with CMC.. It's kinda wierd, I know it's two different groups but we are all friends and its the same day ride. I guess one way to look at it, is you have two choices in one day. It looked like a nice size group for 40 also. We ended up meeting them at the top of the mountain as they changed their route.
It was great seeing a couple little twisties up and down the mountain, and doing the back roads home. Our usual stop when Jippos is around icecream at Nite time News!
Thanks for a great day with great friends.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

This Blog

Is under major construction... as you all may well know, it is not run by a Pro!!!

Robo in the parking lot with me.

Robo met me in the parking lot and we practised a fair bit the 12ft offset. I didn't feel quite so bad as I watched him knock a couple cones down himself. You see that proves even the pros need practise.
I was riding the Electra Glide police bike. I had not riden it since the end of the Conga, so it has been a month. I tell you, that extra hight and weight when my feet don't reach , I truly find harder when coming to a stop. Of course riding it, the extra height is good as I am a scraper.
I mastered the 180 turn a couple of times, but that is off to the left. Going right is much harder and I always seem, that I have to straighten the bars a little. I have to say though it is coming, and I don't have to sit and think about it as long as normal before doing it.
He told me he was very impressed with my skills and if I was to go take the police course, I would already be better than 90% of them.
I believe the Motorman is so hard on me, or should I say not so generous with the complements as he really wants me to get it.. That is a little of the negative way of teaching. Which I have to say, it does work, as I am trying so hard. The odd completment, keeps you going to make you feel like you are getting somewhere.
A couple girls friends came along while we were out there and I did know they were coming as I was to work with them a bit. There is one gal, that I am secretly training to RLAP. She is the oldest female rider in our group of friends and has a few habits to brake, like duck walking,and that is only cuz she didn't know the friction zone. She picked it up really fast I might add. I don't think this is going to take as long as I thought. A little more work on the head and eyes to take away here fear and it will all be good, we can throw the lean in.
Robo hung around helping me with the gals, which was really nice of him. I know he enjoys it as much as I do.. I got to get this going for sure.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Robcop gives me time.

Robocop/Dave Hay came into the barbershop today. We are meeting in the parking lot today after work, and he is going to work with me to get to where I need to be.. On the 2 hardest exercises out there, the 180 full lock turn and the 12ft offset. Wow, I sure do appreciate his time. I am thinking that with some more proffesional training it will move right along.

Dez- Paws-Ram-Tan

I had a great day with Dez and Wendy. The trouble is , there is too much time in between each visit in the parking lot so it is like starting all over again for the first hour. Yes there is improvement but along ways to go before we do do any little show off demo. Dez would not take long at all with all his experience and willingness to learn, its just time.
I had him in the offset and he did really well. Still needing the reminder for me to get him to snap his head at the right time. So until he gets that, the lean will take a bit.
Wendy is coming along but it takes her longer to get it back with the days that go by. So we shall see what happens as it is a busy summer with all the riding going on.
Tanya and Ram have been coming out to practise so we help each other. Tanya got a new bike and it is a Valkyrie, one big bike. She is doing great in the lot, and I forget most of the time to critique either her or Ram as they are doing so well. Crikey, that Ram can ace the 12ft, and I can't. Not sure if it has something to do with the bike style or not.. will have to ask.
I myself haven't got as much practise as I like but it is serious when I get out there. I am struggling to master the 12ft offset. Seems so easy when you sit and watch it on the DVD, or think about it before entering it. It is one hard exercises, and until I master that and the 180, I will not be happy with myself.
Simple really its all the friction zone the 180 and confidence.
I have been practising the introductory and explaining of the exercises so I can send it off to MM on clip. Seems every time a clip is taken, I turn into some kind of dork. So, I will wait on that and keep practising.