Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day offf today.

Today is my day off!! My plan was to go practise some more in and empty parking lot, not far from where the class is. I am taking some advice and not doing that, as it is really hard to go from one bike to the other. Ya'll know how much I love my Queen, but at the end of the day, I would rather be on the old Kawi... Yup true story. A huge difference.
So i am up at 5 am.. Why.. because there are cones floating through my head, and I am dancing like an Angel, through them. I feel light as a feather and am visualizing each tire Placement, then glancing to the next soon as I am set up. Im just gracefully gliding and scraping and making sound of music. I have gone through every excercise in the course in my mind.
I go to roll over, and my whole body is aching, my ankle, my leg, my fingers are swollen, and the balls of my hand are swollen.
I so feel bad, for our buddy, who dropped his bike a kazillion times, he must be aching all over. We all run pretty close to the same ages, so our bodies just aint like they used to be. The trouble is, I know if I could just relax, then it would be all good.
I have to rethink my thoughts. The only thing different is a different bike, and different messurements. It is all the same three techniques, and damnit Iknow how to do it.
This course ain''t shit, it's all in my head. The turns are tighter, but the bike is smaller. If I make this out to be hard, it will be. Instead, I will keep saying to myself, ''this ain't shit'' over and over again as I go thru the exercise. It's just 3 techniques and I trained for it. Nobody else in the class has. The heat? sheeeeit,it could be worse. It ain't shit. I will just relax AND DO IT.
Just going to relax and enjoy the day, go for a walk if I can get my boots


  1. Geez Flobee, it IS the mental thing that gets us, ain't it? I know jist how yah feel; when I'm relaxed everything goes just the way I want; once the ole shoulders get tense ... dat's all she wrote. Hang in there, Girly - 10 hours a day is absolutely brutal!!!

  2. Got that right sista.. Remember ya wanting to fold in the 1st hour ;o)
    Thanks for the encouragement!!
