Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thursday first day in parking lot!!!

THIS HAS BEEN THE LONGEST DAY OF MY life!!! Right now to figuring out how to do this damn blog. I am tired, and exhausted, but as usual, I wont give up till I figure it out. It has taken me an hour to figure out a way to type this, hopefully I can learn to save it.. The internet is messin with my mind tonight. I had it all figured out and then I lost it… Well words from someone in the parking lot tonight ways…Flo you never really had it.. I thought to myself, well, doesn’t he remind me of another person I know.. A Rotter.. Lol
I am not sure where to start today… With the good or the bad, Lets get the bad out of the way.. I lost my internet.. Sucks big time… I lost 100 dollar bill…sucks, almost as bad as the internet… My ankle hurts.. And part of my leg,,, I can deal with it… The Queen went down, just cause she decided to try to dance like an Angel, when she was totally freeking exhausted at the end of a 10 hour day in the parking lot, with 3 male instructors and 6 men. I tried to do an 18ft key hole, and the exit was too tight for me. I aced the hole but not the key exit. I did still get a thumbs up from Soltz. The guys picked up my bike for me, I was too exhausted and learned another lesson real quick.

Note to oneself, is when you are totally exhausted, stop. Especially after 10 hours in the blazing heat.
I just felt like one of the boys, so that was no biggy. Have, I mentioned, that It took me about an hour and a half to get home, from the Parking lot, when it should take a maximum of 10 minutes.. Omfg, was I glad Rob gave me the map. It was not all my fault, the sun was shining in my eyes so bloody bad, I couldn’t make out the street names.. Not that I knew them or anything any way. I would have recognized something, but I was totally blinded. Also the Queen was feeling really sloppy and not here self. Could it be, I was getting used to those old police bikes? All off a sudden she was feeling really low to the ground, it felt like there was no brake or clutch and it took a little getting used to.
I was so frustrated trying to fine my way home. I learned a lot today, not only, did I need a whole lot more practice in the parking lot, that riding inside cones is a hell ova lot different that drawings. It is incredible really, gives you no room for cheating..
Ya’ll know why I have the name Friction Zone Flo, so when ya call it the gray area, does that make me…Gray Zone Flo.. Crikey… It took me a while to find the zone, but I did get it. Each bike is so different, this one was easier to throw around, but damn high, and I thought the Queen was high, well, now it feels like a midget. Let me tell you, am I ever glad I decided to ride one of the police bikes than mine… Shit!! 10 hours!!!
I have so much to say, and so little time, because I can barely keep my eyes open, and I am wondering if the rest of the guys are feeling as wiped out as I am.. I do know a couple will be. I am in the course with 6 guys and 3 instructors, and lil, or should I say big ol Flo..

Certainly not intimidated anymore, that went away in the first few minutes. The guys were feeling the same way, I am sure.
Ya really do just throw it all away, and forget there is one gal, and all these guys, just feel like one of the guys and they are all struggling as much as me if not more.

I can't believe how fast we move on to the next excericise, of course follow the leader and ya best be watching the bike in front of you. Just when you think we have added enough new excercises out comes another.
It was frickin hot too.. Omg, and we have to wear coats when we do the braking exercise. I went to the lounge, and asked for the biggest coldest beer and a sushi roll, came home to fight with the puter, for an hour, am blogging this, my ankle and leg hurts, and I’m hitting the hay!!
Good night!!! Can’t write no more.!!

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