Friday, July 10, 2009

15 minutes in the parking lot.

The sun is shining again. It is wonderful! When you can go out the door at 8am and not need your winter clothing, you know it is going to be a good day. My Buddie Vgirl and I decided it was time to get some exercises, and we were going to meet at the barbershop, park the bikes and walk for an hour. I remembered saying the house, I know now it was the shop. Anyway, it did not happen this morning. I waited and waited, she waited and waited, and then at 8:30 I went to the mall, where we first met and used to RLAP. This year the plans have changed, as we are allowed to play in the parking lot as long as the store isn't open. This is a good thing as it is closer that the condemned school where we usually practice.
I get there and of course it is completely empty other than one vehicle. I remember MM saying you could keep up your skills at 15 minutes a week even. I had 15 minutes. Off I went scoping out the lot pretending there was a big audience. Stay in the zone Flo, you know that friction thang. I did it..perfect, did it again, all of the exercises, the one car gave me a thumbs up.. crikey there was 200 people crammed into that car. It was a great audience, I bowed and away I went.
After spending all week in my spare time, watching RLAP V, RLAP, DRAGON, RLAP LADIES,. I was hearing it, and seeing it.. I realized what I needed to do for me, to make the exercises harder.. Cones.. the dreaded cones. Don't hit a cone, its a drop off!! A cliff!! I am so looking forward to doing the cones, even for the figure eight and circle, with that little entry way. If Doc can do it, so can I.. I can just bet you, it is not going to be as easy as that!! Cones it is!!

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