Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dancing like an Angel!!

After lunch was over, I was determined I was going to be dancing like an Angel!! I did a couple practise runs, had my clutch adjusted again, and it was feeling better. For some reason, I still don't know why, Zsolt says to me.. Flo I want you to try this bike. I'm thinking holy shit, not now.. a new bike it really gonna set me off. But I what the hey I thought, I have actually failed any way. On I get, and all of a sudden, I felt like I was dancing like an Angel. We got into the 16 ft..look , lock, lean, figure 8 and it didn't take long..
I was now looking forward to using this bike and just get it done and out of the way. I was no longer afraid, or nervous, and just said let's do it.
Me first run on this new bike was 3.38 I believe. Wow, it felt good. Got right back on it, and went throught the whole course, and didn't knock a cone down, a couple wobblers, but Ed says... they just didn't want to go down for ya Flo.
I was dancing like an Angel....Whooo hooo, it felt so good ...I was totally okay that I failed, because in my mind I passed!!
Will post some more later...

1 comment:

  1. Flo.....YOU STILL ROCK!! You may have failed a test but you passed big time in my book just by going to begin with!! My hat is off to you. Hell, I'm still trying to do U-turns comfortably.
