Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ed Melroy is a nice guy. Looks like he is going to be pretty easy going, but the actual course is going to be tough. It is the actually police officers course. We will be timed, and receive demerits for different things. 5 seconds for this 10 for that, 25 for dropping your bike... Bla Bla, too fricking tired to remember. How can I be stressed and we haven't started yet??
It is a pretty comprehensive course alright. It moves the 3 techniques for sure, and explains it all for traffic applications.
I was pretty tired from riding all day and then waiting and then listening and trying to comprehend everything. He doesn't explain it like Motorman.. For instance, he called the dip... a wowy!!! lmao!!
The friction zone the gray area, which I can relate. He did not speak as the head and eyes, just look where you want to go. I wanted to speak up when he asked questions, but with 6 life timers sitting there I was so intimidate, and pretty much didn't say anything.
He seemed to look at me a lot when talking , not sure why, whether, I was being tested to see if I knew, who knows..
All I can say, I am completely pooped already, and it hasn't begun, but I am looking forward to it.
There is alot of things you have to do pass the course.. 3 minutes 40 seconds, and he does it in 3 minutes 25 seconds with a cup of coffee in his hand.
Wheeeeeeeew!!! Night folks got to workout tomorrow... Bring it on, those 17ft figure eights!!!

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