Saturday, September 12, 2009

More day 2

Okay, we survived Day 2, 10 hours in the blazing heat!! I made it home with out getting lost. I found my 100 dollar bill. Only dropped the bike once! I really thought I was beyond that, never say never. The guys think I am way too hard on myself. Today there was a new guy, who instructs in Vancouver, who learned his riding skills from Scolz, at this school a couple years ago. Man.. can he ride!!!
We are all feeling fresh and ready to ride, for a good 2 hours before the heat sets in. About every hour we are setting up for a new excercise.. Wow, unreal!! I believe most of them were set at 18ft. And, oh ya, the one you see in the video where they are doing u-turns facing a brick wall....It's for real!! You bloody well better be using your head and eyes here, or you will leave your mark on the brick wall. I did have trouble at first, but now, I just say trust myself, and look where I want to go. A great place to drop your bike for sure!! I did not, but the old foot came down a few times,.. sorry MM, I know, I know, so why don't I do it..
I tell ya, with the heat, the wall, the amount of bikes, a new bike, I never dreamt it would be this hard. I feel a great improvement in 2 days. I wish I could remember all the excercises names, but it is impossible. If you watch the utubes...and not me yet on utube, you will see what I am talking about.
Research Northwest Motorcycle School on you tube you will see how wicked it is. There is absolutely no time to film me, or take many pics other than of the group standing around, as we are continually riding. And when we aren't.. We are ready to DROP!!
The way, I am thinking right now, it is the hardest, I have ever worked. Think about it.. Anyone, that has ever come to the parking lot with me to practice, is ready to give up after the first hour or so.. This is 10 hours!! The hardest yes... but also the most rewarding.
I apologized to Ed tonight, I was emailing him back and forth about the class. I had told him, I was fairly advanced, and was wondering if I would get something from it... Crikey... Sometimes, I am such a tool!!
Everyone knows my goal now, as far as RLAP!!
They are all very encouraging, and said, good, goals are great to have. The students and instructors are just awesome. I highly recomend this class to anyone. It is one of the most challanging things I have ever done in my life. Well, other than riding across America
Okay, I am so done, catching up on my blog, I know I have missed alot, but the brain is dying again.
One cute thing that happened today. Flo lost the Friction zone, imagine that.. I think it was in the 8th hour. I asked Steve, to take it out and find out if it was the bike, or the nut behind the wheel. Of course it was the nut.. I sat there after watching him, as I was filling my shirt with ice cubes, pouring water on my head, hydrating myself. I asked if it was okay to go on my own and try the whole thing... yup... While steve was riding it, he picked up the friction zone, put it back for me, and I started doing great again.
Everyone has done so well, and you just see the skills improving. Now we have to perfect it and pass, we have 3 minutes 40 secs to complete the whole course. Apparently there is still MORE to come.. Good Lord!!
Night all!!!


  1. Wow Flo!!! I am so envious of your skill and so proud of your efforts to continually improve those skills. You ROCK!!

  2. Way to go girlie!!!! Keep up the work and remember we are all here for ya rooting ya on!!!!

  3. Hope they are yellin at ya!!! We know ya can do it!
