Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 3 in parking lot!!!

I thought I was feelin it, I had the friction zone. Now when I look at the pic, I didn't have any lean. Tomorrow, I will lean that machine. I had, and lost the zone, I dont' know how many frickin times.. They don't call me Friction Zone Flo for no reason.
Fresh start, new day, ready to do it!! Be the boss of my hoss!! What they teach you hear is LOOK, LOCK, LEAN!! Okay, got my goal for tomorrow!!
Two Canadians!! Noel and Flo ..It is funny when you think about it.. we all bond so fast, in 4 days. Whelp..we know what we are all going through. We are all very supportive of each other. Anyway this is my new Canadian friend, Noel.
There is alot of great guys here, it is an experience, I will never forget!
Here we are on day 3.. All rested up and ready to kick some butt!! It's simple 3 techniques, Head and eyes, friction zone, and rear brake. Crank those handle bars, and just do it!! I'm going to be the Boss of my Hoss.
It is looking a little cloudy and over cast. Let's just hope it stays that way.... That was my thoughts for the morning. I was feeling great, rested up, confident, talking to myself. Everyone was feeling the same way as me it appeared.
It started off great, I was feeling it, and so were the others. Then when the first break, came along... We all were sucking at it!! What's with that??
So Mr. Ed, Snr.Zsolt, tell us all, that they were waiting for this... When teaching hard long days of drill, this happens, as your skills go up, and down, and on the 3rd day...Down they went, for the morning anyway..
I really had my bubble burst again.. This is really extremely hard for me to be honest, and I feel like telling a big fat huge lie!! But...! I was struggling like shit.. Could not keep the friction zone, the bike was always doing the weeeeeeeeeeee sound.. I just don't get, I really don't.
When I went off on my own, I would seem to find it, for the most part. Then I knew what was coming. Follow the leader, and believe you me, when you are following, it is not in a big ol empty parking lot with space every where. know who you are, that have come out to play with me, and I am yelling at you to look at me, and not leave your eyes behind to take a sneak peak, one last look at the fence befofre you past by it, when there is still another 10 feet!! This follow the leader shit is less than a foot away. Like I'm tell ing your, some scrape walls and curbs and vehicles.. We get right down to business, and if you DON'T use your head and eyes...Guess where you will plant yourself?? On a curv, in a wall, on the ground...everywhere you dont want to be.
Now you all know,that I know the techniques.. Now put 3 or more other bikes in and 18ft figure 8, and try to remember all the things you have to do.. Be aware of the guy in front of you, number one. We could be playing Dominos at any moment, if you are not paying attention. I get freeked out, when that many are in there and you are pretty sure, one may be going down.
My first mishap, and again, I wish I could lie.. but that is just not me.. I was doing the 8...smoothed right out, feeling good, hit a pilon base, which hit another, which went in front of me, which was not easy to ride over. That is what you are taught to keep going or find and escape. Try riding over 2 big cones piled on top of each other. DROP AND STOP.. Not the way I like to stop personally, and not proud I have to admit to that. My elbow looking a little nasty. All was taken care of, we got the old gals picked up, doctored up.. They take care of you around here. With a couple of wise cracks to boot. But I am used to that.
They are pretty inspiring and not afraid to tell you it is all normal. Zsolt, was the first to say, he sucked when he took the course, and I think he said passed by one point. Robert, said, he was just like everyone else, pulling the same shit we are doing. Now I haven't asked Mr. Ed yet, but I will be sure to do that.
I'm pretty hard on myself, because of all the training, I have taken, and long hours, and my goals, and then this.. Not being what I wanted to be. I never said I was a fast learner, but here I am, not ready to give up for a moment. Today, the day went so fast, and I will be sad when it is over. I will plan my next vacation, to come do this again.
We had 3 more excercises added. Be damned if I can remember the name.. syclops, or something you cut wheat with, and the end square corner of some kind. Major breaking and counter steering going on.. some are adimitting problems with the braking. I was down using the honey pot, and heard some screeeecching going one, so I am thinking it was too much rear braking.
Up to this point it has been a challange for most , okay, lets say all of us!! But we are alot farther ahead.
The instructors, all three of them, are unbelievable. It kinda makes me chuckle inside, when one of us drops a bike, they walk over non shalontly (sp) get out the hammer, and bang it out.. Ed might say.. Please do drop this anymore.. we are on day 3...
There is so much to tell, and my brain has fried again, and I gots to git to bed, because tomorrow is D day!!


  1. Holy Toledo, Sistah -- what a time you are havin'! I admire your stick-to-it-iveness cuz I'm pretty sure I'd be off in a corner sobbing my lil heart out (even tho' MM sez 'NO CRYING in motorcycling' LOL)

  2. PS - I think yah mean 'scythe' for cuttin' the wheat and 'nonchalantly' ?

  3. Miss Willi.. I was in the corner sobbing today!!
